About Me

I am a writer, a Soulful philosopher and an eQUESTrian. My work always comes back to Soulful philosophies, it seems I cannot escape it, nor do I want to.

Growing up in a strict Pentecostal environment was not conducive to believing in imagination, or alternative thoughts, or anything magickal, it was not based on kindness or possibility. But I always felt the craving to believe in more than my upbringing. I stepped into the unknown and let my own Soul lead the way to find my own eclectic form of Mystical Faith. It has taken me on many Spiritual Journeys and opened my perspectives to a Divine so large it cannot be owned and contained, and my days are now filled with exploring the whispers that seduce me to seek a life of Soulful Magnificence.

Horses have always been a great passion for me and I consider them to be part of the Mystical Wisdom that harmonizes with my Soul. They are my compass to my True North, my Soul Home. I have been fortunate to find this passion intertwined with my life work , my calling, to work with people that consider their horse a part of their Spiritual Journey as well. This is a Quest between the Worlds of Horse and Human, a place to explore new possibilities to co-create together and to share sacred space as we travel this life. I am privileged to say that I am a True North eQUESTrian. For more information -> https://truenorthequestrians.com/

I write what my Soul speaks. I speak with Horses about their purpose. I encourage others to reveal their Soul Portrait.

I lay no claim to having the answers to life’s questions,

I simply suggest that the options to the assumptions in life are limitless.”